21- How to Add a New Menu Item to QGIS Software with PyQGIS

Learn how to customize your QGIS software and improve your workflow by adding a new menu item with PyQGIS. This step-by-step guide explains how to import the webbrowser module, define a function that opens a specified website in a web browser, create a QAction instance, and add it to the help menu. With this new menu item, you can quickly access a website of your choice directly from QGIS. Follow the instructions in this article to enhance your QGIS experience and streamline your work.

Import the webbrowser module:

import webbrowser

Define a function that opens the specified website in a web browser:

def open_website(): webbrowser.open('https://smartrs.blog/series/pyqgis-basics')

Create a QAction instance with the label "Go to: Introduction to PyQGIS":

website_action = QAction('Go to: Introduction to PyQGIS')

Connect the triggered signal of the QAction to the open_website() function:


Add a separator to the help menu:


Add the website_action QAction to the help menu:


Now, from the "Help" menu, click on the newly created item "Go to: Introduction to PyQGIS" to open the website.

Here's the overall code:

# Import the webbrowser module
import webbrowser

# Define a function that opens the specified website in a web browser
def open_website():

# Create a QAction instance with the label "Go to: Introduction to PyQGIS"
website_action = QAction('Go to: Introduction to PyQGIS')

# Connect the triggered signal of the QAction to the open_website() function

# Add a separator to the help menu

# Add the website_action QAction to the help menu

In conclusion, this article provides a step-by-step guide on how to add a new menu item to the QGIS software with PyQGIS. By following the instructions provided in the article, users can add a new menu item to the help menu, which will open a specified website in a web browser. This article is helpful for users who want to customize their QGIS software and improve their workflow.

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